World Energy Day: the road to sustainability

Día Mundial de la Energía: el camino hacia la sostenibilidad
February 14th is not only Valentine’s Day, it is also World Energy Day and should not go unnoticed.
A date as important as this should make us consider the change towards sustainability and bet on renewable energies that lead the future of the planet towards a good harbour.
That is why today, we want to set a turning point to build a sustainable world in the long term.

Committing to a sustainable energy model

World Energy Day was designated on 14 February 1949 with the intention of promoting the use of renewable energies and thus reducing the use of polluting sources each year.
Year after year, we see how climate change is affecting us significantly.
But be careful, clean sources not only have a positive impact on the environment, but also generate social and economic benefits that include new opportunities in the labour market, economic growth, energy savings and even greater security for the population.
And if we are talking about remote areas where electricity is not even available, the well-being and quality of life would improve to unimaginable levels.
Both businesses and public bodies have a pending task in terms of sustainability, where there is still a lot of work to be done.
The data is not misleading. In 2018 in Spain, 73% of emissions came from road transport, industry, energy and the agricultural sector.
Therefore, taking measures to minimise this negative impact will lead us to a sustainable energy model, becoming a priority issue for all countries.

SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy

SDG 7: clean and affordable energy
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 measures approved by the United Nations and set out in the 2030 Agenda with themes relating to education, the environment, human rights and corruption.
Within these goals, it includes a specific one on energy, SDG 7: “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all”.
So, what are the targets set out in this goal between now and 2030? Here are the goals:
  • Ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services.
  • Increase the share of renewable energy in the energy mix significantly.
  • Doubling the global rate of energy efficiency improvement.
  • Increased international cooperation to increase access to clean energy research and technologies and promote energy infrastructures.
  • Increase infrastructure and improve technology to provide sustainable energy services in developing countries.
This is still a goal that companies have a lot of work to do to improve.Their influence on society and environmental impact is very large and they therefore have a major role to play in achieving these goals. It must therefore become their main commitment and become a fundamental cause for building a sustainable future.

Road to energy sustainability

The energy transition will lead to a better quality of life and bring benefits for households and for Spain’s economy.
Thus, by meeting the targets set for reducing carbon dioxide emissions, our living conditions will be directly affected.
But for this transition to be successfully implemented, these decarbonisation measures will also need to be put in place:
  • Shifting consumption from petroleum products to less polluting ones. An example? Natural gas.
  • Take measures on energy efficiency to avoid wasting unnecessary consumption.
  • Build parks that generate electricity from renewable energies.
Let’s take advantage of technological progress to do without nuclear energy, coal or other polluting sources that put the planet’s health at risk.

SolarMente your ally in switching to self-consumption and committing to a sustainable energy model.

Creating a sustainable energy model is everyone’s job. Committing to renewable energy sources will bring us benefits in all areas. Fewer health problems, more energy savings, new jobs, among others.
This is possible by switching to solar energy and installing solar panels on your roof. In this way, you will get all the advantages. You guarantee a positive contribution to the environment and at the same time reduce your electricity bill significantly.
Want to know how much you can save? That’s great. At SolarMente, we provide you with a free tool to estimate your future savings, design the ideal system to switch to clean energy and reduce the dependency that binds us so much to the electricity companies.
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