SDG 13 Climate action: what it aims to achieve and why it should be top of mind for business

ODS 13 Acción por el clima: cuál es su objetivo y por qué debería ser primordial para las empresas
2019 marked the end of the hottest decade on record, raising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases to unprecedented levels, according to the United Nations.The pandemic made it possible to reduce these levels during 2020 by shutting down all transport and industry. But this is not something that will last. Climate change will continue and the solution must be a commitment by everyone, from institutions and companies to the citizens themselves.

SDG 13 climate action is part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and was created with the aim of taking action to move towards a more sustainable world, a transition to a green economy that does not accelerate climate change.

Therefore, in this article we show you what the goals of SDG 13 are, why it is so important to implement them and what we do as a company to do our bit.

What is the goal of SDG 13: climate action?

The Paris Agreement adopted in 2015 aims to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping the global temperature rise this century to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels.It also sends a strong message to policymakers and citizens alike: the end of the fossil fuel era has begun.

Climate change is a real challenge that must be tackled as soon as possible. The overriding objective is therefore to take action to halt its rapid advance.

Some of the specific targets associated with this objective are:

  • Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related risks and natural disasters in all countries.
  • Include climate change measures in national policies, strategies and plans.
  • Improve education, awareness and human and institutional capacity for climate change mitigation. Also climate change adaptation, mitigation and early warning.

Why is SDG 13 climate action important?

Restricting movement during the pandemic resulted in an estimated 6% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.But will this be met in the long term? Certainly not. It was a one-off event that kept the economy at a standstill, where all processes came to a standstill.

So to this day, climate change is still pressing hard. Much harder than we would like.

According to the IPCC’s fifth assessment report, the Earth’s temperature increased by 0.85°C between 1880 and 2012. This is already alarming, but the estimate for the years 2030-2052 is set at an increase of 1.5°C.

Nor can we forget the rise in sea levels and the melting of ice in the Arctic.

Climate change is our responsibility and the negative impacts are becoming more and more persistent on our economy, health, wellbeing and environment.

We cannot take short term measures by putting more patches on the situation, but must think with a cool head and take measures for the long term that will make a real change in our society.

The current energy crisis is an opportunity to make a shift towards a more sustainable economy that has a positive impact on both people and the environment. We cannot wait a few months or a few years, change is here and now and the decisions taken must be implemented as soon as possible.

How do we contribute to SDG 13: climate action?

Our contribution to a sustainable future is to work in alignment with the UN SDGs.
And in this commitment, we focus on the fulfilment of SDG 13 climate action.
In this way, our intention is that you can make a tangible contribution to the fight against climate change by opting for solar energy from your home.
To be a little more specific, this is how we do it:
  • We actively contribute to a sustainable, low-carbon future through institutional and technological changes.
  • We use clean, renewable energy.
  • We reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by promoting solar energy.
  • We engage in team activities that involve constant learning about sustainability, such as sustainable team building.
This is how we try to improve the world we live in.

SolarMente objectives for 2021

Like any company, we have defined objectives for 2021, but we will emphasise those focused on sustainability.
So we not only want to grow our community of solar producers but also:
  • Produce 500,000 kWh of clean energy from zero-emission sources.
  • Promote the planting of the equivalent of 3,000 trees, which capture approximately 175 tonnes of CO2.
Our solar kits allow us to generate clean energy equivalent to planting approximately 60 trees. This means a saving equivalent to 3.5 metric tons of CO2. Unbelievable, but true (very true).
But it doesn’t stop there!
With the intention of achieving global commitments on climate change, we want to promote the production of solar energy for use in transport by investing in electric vehicles that will help reduce the pollution produced by cars. If you still don’t know how these models work, in this article you have a complete guide to electric car chargers.

Do you want to be part of green energy?

The Sustainable Development Goals provide us with the framework to guide our actions, they are the blueprint for a sustainable future for all. To achieve these goals, all organisations and people need to get to work.
The energy transition will lead to a better quality of life and bring benefits for households and for Spain’s economy. The definitive leap towards a system based on clean energy will bring economic, environmental and social benefits.
And if you still don’t know how much you can save on your electricity bill, while contributing to a sustainable model, take a look at our calculator for self-consumption and find out all the benefits you can gain from solar energy.
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