Performance of solar panels: how to exploit the full potential of the system

Rendimiento de las placas solares: cómo aprovechar todo el potencial del sistema

Electricity prices are skyrocketing and climate change is on our heels. This is a fact.

All this has led to significant concern about the energy transition, where many individuals and companies have taken the step towards photovoltaic self-consumption.

In order to generate a high amount of energy, the performance of the solar panels must be taken into account. Both the energy production and the capacity of the panels to transform the sun’s energy into electricity suitable for home consumption depend on the productivity of the system.

Before making any investment, it is necessary to know the key elements that interfere with the profitability of the solar system.

Therefore, today we will discuss the following topics:

  • Factors that intervene in the performance of solar panels.
  • How winter affects the photovoltaic installation
  • Do panels produce energy on cloudy days?
  • How to improve the efficiency of our system
Let’s get started!

What are the factors that influence the performance of solar panels?

The efficiency of solar panels is a very relevant aspect that directly affects the energy produced and available for domestic consumption. The increase or decrease of this variable is produced by a series of factors that you should always bear in mind before installing a photovoltaic system on your roof.To achieve maximum performance, these are the key elements to consider:

  • PV installation materials
  • Solar irradiation and geographical location
  • Temperature
  • Orientation and tilt
  • Shading


Materials are an important factor in energy production, and the higher the quality of these components, the higher the cost-effectiveness.Most manufacturers on the market use monocrystalline panels. They have a higher efficiency than other types of solar panels because they are made of a single silicon crystal.

To put it bluntly, this allows electrons to move more easily between the cells.

But be careful here. We must not only consider the material of the elements, but also the other components that are included in the photovoltaic installation and are necessary for proper operation. These are the inverter, the wiring and the solar batteries, in the case of opting for them if we want more independence from the conventional electricity grid.

What happens if we do not choose the right elements? A 20% reduction in the yield of the solar panels. This is why it is important to assess the quality of all components in order to extend the service life of the system and to avoid continuous failures that slow down the amortisation time.

The variety of solar panel manufacturers is abysmal. Therefore, we understand how difficult it can be to choose from such a wide range, which can be overwhelming. It takes time to do your research and make the right decision.

To help you, at SolarMente we work with several manufacturers and advise you on the one that best suits your needs and budget.

Solar irradiation

In countries like Germany or Norway, the potential of solar energy is not the same as in Spain. Even so, it is still very profitable to install photovoltaic systems in these geographical areas.If we talk about solar irradiation in Spain, it is much higher than in other European countries, with 2,000-3,000 hours of sunlight per year.

What factors influence the obtaining of a higher solar irradiation? Always take into account the climate of the area, the inclination of the panels and the shadows.

Of these, the weather plays a major role and will allow more or less radiation to the surface. There are three types of radiation: direct, diffuse and reflected.

Direct radiation, as the name indicates, is that which comes directly from the sun. Diffuse radiation, on the other hand, is the reflection it produces on clouds.

Finally, reflected radiation is generated by light bouncing off the surface. We will only see it in houses located perpendicular to the area.

In short, depending on the climate of the geographical area where you live, you will receive more or less solar radiation. And this will have an impact on the performance of your system.


Do solar panels produce more energy the hotter it is?This is a common misconception in solar energy. Performance decreases when it gets too hot.

Numerous manufacturers and installers have carried out various tests on this subject, where the conclusion has been the following: the highest electricity generation is produced at a temperature of 25ºC.

If this temperature is exceeded, profitability is reduced. As a general rule, productivity decreases by 1% for every 2°C increase in temperature.

However, manufacturers include the Power Temperature Coefficient in the technical data sheet of the modules. This parameter indicates the power loss that occurs when the system temperature rises above 25°C. The lower this parameter is, the greater the power loss.

The lower this indicator is, the more performance we will obtain from our panels. The figure is currently between 0.30%-0.40%. There are hardly any losses.

Orientation and inclination

The orientation and inclination of the solar panels have the same influence as the other factors mentioned so far.What is the recommended orientation to get the most out of your photovoltaic installation?

A southern orientation is ideal, since the perpendicular rays are reflected on the surface, allowing for increased productivity and profitability. In short, more use is made of the sun’s rays for greater production by our system.

Let’s see what happens with houses located to the west and east:

  • In west-facing dwellings, the most light is received during the hours closest to the night.
  • Houses in the east wing receive the most light in the early hours.
Is there a solution for these cases? Those homes that allow it, can install solar panels in both directions to achieve energy production similar to south-facing homes.On the other hand, there is the tilt. This factor plays an important role in the performance of photovoltaic panels.

Well, the ideal tilt for homes located at the same angle as Madrid will have an inclination of 30º. From this point onwards, the northern provinces will have to increase the tilt ratio to 40º, while in the southern part of the country this figure will be reduced.


Avoiding shadows is a factor that should not be forgotten because they will have a negative impact on the performance of the system, reducing power by up to 30%.


After installing a photovoltaic system, it is necessary to carry out maintenance on the solar panels.Forgetting about them after the installers have completed the process could reduce their performance due to various meteorological phenomena.

Strong winds, hail, pollution or accumulated dirt can damage our panels, reducing their performance by 15%.

However, we must make a small clarification in this respect. Certain phenomena help to keep the solar panels clean and in good condition, such as rain, which removes dust and dirt.

Do you need to invest heavily in maintenance? The positive point of all this is that they hardly require any attention thanks to their main component: silicon. It is a resistant material that is prepared for all weather conditions and extends the service life of the installation without affecting the production of solar energy.

You only need to clean the modules with water and a sponge 3-4 times a year. In the event that you need to replace defective parts, you will have to call the installation company to solve the problem.

Performance of solar panels in winter: is seasonality an issue?

The answer is yes, but with nuances. Solar panels also work during the winter. In fact, their performance and efficiency improve during colder seasons because high temperatures are less beneficial for productivity.What if snow is involved?

It is true that if they are covered with snow in its entirety, the system will suffer, but the heat emitted by the solar panels helps to melt the snow and keep them clean from the dust and dirt accumulated during the summer.

In addition, the modules are able to capture the sun’s rays that reflect off the snow.

However, this meteorological effect will not noticeably affect the system and the effect on the annual production rate will be minimal.

Performance of solar panels on cloudy days

On cloudy days, do the solar panels still work and what happens when the sun is not shining at full strength?Well, the answer is still positive because they produce energy even when clouds are the main protagonist. Remember the diffuse and reflected light mentioned in previous sections. The sun harnesses this energy to produce energy.

It is true that it reduces production, but it still remains between 10%-25% of its capacity. Therefore, it is still cost-effective to have solar panels on cloudy days.

How to improve the performance of our photovoltaic panels

Solar panels are made of resistant materials to avoid touching the system as little as possible. However, we can improve the performance of the installation through a series of simple functions:
  • Clean the panels 3-4 times a year. Accumulated dirt can reduce the production capacity of the system.
  • Use the right inverter. This will influence the yield of the solar panels. String inverters will be affected by shading. Our recommendation is to opt for more advanced technologies such as microinverters or power optimisers.
  • Choose the right wiring size. Different wiring configurations can influence the performance of the installation and the amount of energy production.
To detect any possible system issues, you can always go to the installer’s application and check where the problem lies.

Maximise the profitability of your PV system

The performance of solar panels depends on several factors such as materials, temperature, tilt and orientation, among others.For this reason, professionals in the sector continue to do research to improve all these variables and increase the production of electrical energy while being more efficient.

At SolarMente, we work with manufacturers that provide high efficiency panels to maximise energy production. In this way, the savings on electricity bills will be noticeable thanks to a good self-consumption system.

To find out, try our solar calculator and find out the potential savings on your monthly electricity bill.

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