Carbon neutrality: what is it and how do we apply it at SolarMente?

Neutralidad de carbono: qué es y cómo lo aplicamos en SolarMente

On the road to carbon neutrality, measuring our impact on the environment is the first step in developing an improvement plan.

This gives us information on the starting point from which we will begin our actions.

To achieve this, we have reduced our carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and, where we have not been able to reduce them, we have drawn up an offset plan.

Do you want to know what measures we have implemented?

Here we go!

What is carbon neutrality?

Before detailing SolarMente’s plan to reduce our impact on the planet, it is important to digress a little and explain the concept of carbon neutrality.

It’s good.

Carbon neutrality is achieved when a company or individual takes the necessary actions to reduce its footprint and avoid the emission of polluting gases into the atmosphere.

But this is not always possible.

In these cases, emissions that cannot be eliminated in their entirety today can be offset.

This is not a substitute measure, but a complementary one.

We will now tell you about the actions we are taking to reduce our carbon footprint.

Our ambition to reduce our carbon footprint

We have used the MITECO calculator to calculate the company’s carbon footprint in 2020.
A tool from the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge that provides us with data on the generation of greenhouse gases (GHG) from our main activities.

In this way, we can take measures to reduce energy consumption and efficiency.

What have we detected?


The highest percentage of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions come from indirect emissions, i.e. from vehicle travel and customer visits.

What measures do we propose?

Firstly, in order to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels in transport, we have opted for more sustainable options.

On the other hand, as far as energy consumption in the offices is concerned, we do not have full control. It is not up to us, as we are located in an office building.

But we do work on raising environmental awareness among the team to reduce the carbon footprint.

What actions have we taken?

90% of our actions are aimed at reducing fossil fuel consumption and increasing energy efficiency by making improvements within the energy consumption of the offices such as:

  • Using LED bulbs

  • Reducing consumption to avoid waste

  • Promoting more energy-efficient appliances

As a complementary action, in 2021 we have sought to achieve the goal of revaluing 100% of the office’s organic waste.

Collaboration with AbonoKm0

We have participated in a network of composting and transformation into fertiliser of organic waste in community gardens in the neighbourhood.

Reducción huella de carbono en SolarMente

In three months, thanks to this network composting practice:

  • We have recovered 7.86 kg of organic waste. According to data provided by AbonoKm0, this is the equivalent weight of a serving of vegetables for 50 people.

  • We have avoided emitting 6.05 kg CO2eq into the atmosphere.

But until we are 100% neutral and improve emissions, we are considering planting trees.

While offsetting does not reduce the carbon footprint, it allows us to contribute to our overall goal of combating climate change.

Collaboration with Life Terra

To carry out this action, we have partnered with Life Terra – one of Europe’s leading climate action initiatives – to help us realise our commitment.

A total of 125 trees and shrubs of different native species were planted.

In addition to offsetting our carbon footprint, we have planted one tree for each SolarMente customer.

Each one receives a certificate in their name identifying the tree planting, as well as the GPS coordinates of its location.

The idea behind these initiatives is also to include friends, customers and installers in the future to have a bigger impact and to show that solar energy is not only about saving, but also a new mentality, a new way of living and thinking about our environment.

Hybrid working could save up to 12.2 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year, equivalent to 83 million flights from London to Berlin, according to the Homeworking Report.

The report recommends planning and incentivising hybrid working to accelerate decarbonisation, while addressing the challenges that the changes could bring to cities, transport, local economies and infrastructure providers.

Are you also aiming for carbon neutrality?

Based on the reduction measures selected, we set quantitative targets that provide us with a clear horizon of the goals we aim to achieve.

We will continue to focus on effective internal communication, a key issue in order to achieve the commitment of our employees and thus achieve our goals.

And if you are like us and are looking to reduce your carbon footprint while saving at least 50% on your electricity bill:

>> Switch to self-consumption and enjoy clean and economical energy.

Are you up for it?

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